Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Times Up

The purpose of this task was to take an everyday object and add emotion. I chose an hourglass as my object to create as an object that evokes emotion. I chose a target audience of college students since being a college student myself, I know time seems too short. I uploaded the hour class into photoshop and inverted the image. I then used the warp, perspective and skew transforming options to bend the hour glass as if time was getting away. I added the skid marks as if time to show that time had come to a sharp stop. I placed the scantron inside the hour glass using feathering to target the college students about studying, tests, school work, etc. I placed the words "Times Up" to the right of the picture as if the hourglass is halting before the words. I feel like I was very successful in my work because when I compare my original hour glass image to the image I created, I feel emotion in my image. I feel some panic towards the fact that time seems like its just slipping away. There are enough hours in the day.

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