Monday, April 18, 2011

CAP: Connotation, Attributes, Placement

1. Connotation

The visual style of all my work ties in with a theme that I wanted it to convey. A lot of my work has to do with fonts, legibility, emotion, etc. They all surround the same topic how words and images are presented. Every sub-component is working with how words and images are presented. For instance, legibility, fonts, hue, saturation, etc. Each component carries out the theme of being a successful image and wording. The theme does not seem too specific or overly broad. It has a wide range of how successful images and wording can be. As long as its pleasing to the eye, legible, and so on. There's no specific guidelines but enough guidelines to make sure its not overly broad. Color could have been better reflected in my theme to help convey the message. If I kept an overall color then it would have probably flowed better. Yes, it would be helpful to show my work to others because peer revision is a strong, useful tool in perfecting your work. I would take any advice to help better my work.

2. Attributes

I am satisfied with the visual weight, structure, color and presentational style of my work. The blog flows nicely within the theme of images and wording. The reader can sense that my work was based on successful images. I kept all my images to the left of the text. Sometimes the blog would push the words a little funny to the side, but overall I kept the same structure and presentational style. Some images linework could have been made thicker to emphasize more emotion and more pronounced. Some of the fonts for word portraits could have maybe used more emotional spin on them. For instance Classy and Rugged could have been worked with more to make the writing define more of the word. The point of the emotion gets across, but Classy could have used more softness and Rugged could have been "roughened up" more. My backdrop of certain work outcomes could have been tied in more with their themes. A lot of pictures I left white to emphasis the fonts and wording, however, backdrops could have also created emotion among the work. Color options for all work has been explored. I used all different colors throughout my work. The color scheme could have been worked on so that there was one main theme. My work is definitely intended for broad use because my work can be used as examples for other people's work. The text is large enough for the audience to read; I did not make anything non legible for the audience. I used different fonts for every piece of my work so there was no repetition among the images and wording so the audience had something different to look at every time.

3. Placement

Throughout my work, I tried to keep the main focus on the middle of the work. The only work that does not satisfy this component is the Legibility and Safe Text Area blog. However, that blog was mainly to find a picture with a busy background and with a safe text area and that was the image that was produced. The centering of my work calls attention to itself because it's what draws your eyes to the image. The audience will notice that their eye will draw to the center of my work with every image. This element grouped all my work with aesthetic gains. Having the center of all my work the main focus, makes my work as a whole aesthetically pleasing.

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