Monday, April 18, 2011

CAP: Clarity, Audience, Purpose

1. Clarity

Yes, the literal, stylistic, and thematic messages of the piece are clearly and efficiently presented. The image is working toward the same overall message and goal of typographical conveyance. Conveyance depends on a lot on the layout of the image being presented. Using thematic and visuals connect the audience to the conveyance. By having each visual and theme of each word correspond with the words meaning, it creates an overall theme. No there is no possibility for misinterpretation of the piece's message because the words themselves tell their interpretation. For instance the word shred is overall made to seem shredded. The word is "cut up" therefore instantly giving away the meaning shred. I don't believe that there is one message fighting for attention. I think they all equally have the opportunity to catch the audience's eye. I simplified the image as a whole into one image so there was a greater impact of typographical conveyance. There was no separation because I want the audience to see the whole theme of typographical conveyance at one.

2. Audience

The target viewer for this piece is college students and professors of educational media. Any students and professors of educational media can see my work and use it as an example for their own work. Other educational media minors can look at my blog and see the typographical conveyance example and refer to it to help them understand the term themselves. The tone should be easy and efficient for the audience to grasp the concept. Overall I believe my work is easy to read and appealing for the audience to grasp the overall theme. The lingo that they could respond to typographical conveyance. Educational media minors know the term and can relate it to the image that I presented. This piece does not talk down to the audience, it simply is just helping them define what typographical conveyance is. It is a mere example of how to construct such an item for the theme. This image will not fly over there heads because I made it easy to read and understand. This image does stand apart from what the audience has already seen because it is conveying a different theme and topic then from what I already provided. If this piece were a person, they would act out the words they were given. For "shred", they would act tough while given "light" and "pillow", they would act soft and elegant. The target audience would like the person because they would embody the theme of typographical conveyance and also get another example of the concept.

3. Purpose

This piece is to use visual media to convey a meaning or mood from the observed to the observer. It is not used to sell a product but meaning to get a point across of the concept. It is to inform the audience what typographical conveyance is and how it is represented. I have discussed the purpose of this work with my professor. I had her look at my images for input and if I need to come across with more clarity with the images. The purpose of this piece has been adequately narrowed so that it can be given as much attention and power as possible. I combined all the words into one piece so there would be a heavy emphasis on typographical conveyance.

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