Thursday, February 24, 2011


The assignment was to find a visual of a simple object and create an icon image of the object. The icon should be able to represent the image strongly that you know exactly what the image represents. The visual that I chose was a picture of a fork. Just as the examples that are given in Krause's book, I highlighted the part of the fork that was the most representable. Naturally, the part of the fork that is the most recognizable is the head of the fork. Therefore, in PowerPoint, I used simple shapes to recreate the fork image. I used triangles to create the prongs of the fork, then used a trapezoid and a rectangle to finish the icon. To make the icon look more complete, I added a box around the image to enclose it. I believe my work is successful because I believe that my icon fully represents a fork. When I look at the icon, a fork comes to mind instantly.

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