Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Critical Reflection

Yes, the elements that are thematically connected are placed in association with each other visually. One activity that shows that the elements are thematically connected is the Grouping and Theme blog. I kept the same shape of a doughnut throughout the composition that shows that they are thematically connected.
Some adjustments could be made, mostly because work can always be critiqued.
The pieces do not feel scattered. Each blog and activity are grouped together and shows a logical order to each activity and blog.
The connections between certain elements should be cut off to create a visual break because that's most appealing to the eye then an intentional interruption of the flow of the piece. The descriptions flow with each other, describing step after step and finally if I was pleased with my work. Each blog post has different titles, therefore showing a visual break between each composition.
Yes, there are strong visual and thematic connections between the blog entries. They all describe composition descriptions; i.e. Horizons, Grouping and Theme, Alignment, and Color and Emphasis.
Structural connections consistently are applied since we were working on composition throughout this unit and shows unity among the blog portfolio.

Overall, my portfolio isn't completely aligned, each blog post has it's individual alignment. I would post the visuals to the left extreme side (flush-left) with the text on the right of the visual. I attempted to put each before and after picture on top of one another, however getting alignment exactly right in a blog post is quite difficult. I looked over my alignment again and even though it is difficult to get it perfect, I believe I did a good job aligning the visuals. There are areas of trapped space that could be erased, but then again, I attempted to delete the empty space, but then the alignment gets moved out of place. It is hard to get alignment perfect with a blog post. However, the open space does allow the blog portfolio to flow nicely and not seem too busy.

If I were to look at this portfolio after a lunch break or across the room, it's eye catching. All the visuals that are placed onto the portfolio are interesting and make you want to read about them. Having bigger text for titles and separating titles from the visuals and descriptions highlights the hierarchy in the blog portfolio. Some of the titles could possibly be made larger to stand out, however, they do not come with a size range to fix. There is a good balance of color and value that bring attention to the subject matter by the colors in the visuals. Also, having a lighter text background allows the visuals and the text to pop on the blog portfolio. There is visual flow throughout the portfolio having the separation between each blog posts and flow within the blog posts themselves. The flow and balance of color, etc allow the eye to be directed towards the composition and not reared off the page. Your eye catches the visuals and there are no distractions among the portfolio to direct your eye away from the work.

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